Elora: Spyro's going to help us collect the talismans! Spyro: I am? Hunter: He is? Elora: Spyro, look… There's no way you can get to Dragon Shores right now. Elora: There are 14 talismans in Avalar, and they are all magical! If you can collect enough of them, they can be used to defeat Ripto! Hunter, where have you been? Hunter: I, uh. Elora: They gave you a talisman? Spyro: What, is it special? I just stuck it in the guidebook you gave me. Elora: Did you meet the Gem-cutters in Glimmer? Spyro: Yeah, they gave me a souvenir too! They called it a talisman. What are you, some kind of goat? Elora: I'm a faun, you dork! Spyro: Oh, sorry. Oh, hello! We didn't get a chance to introduce ourselves before my name is Elora. I'll meet you in Summer Forest, okay? Spyro: Hey, wait a minute! How do we get ourselves into these messes, pal? #3: I'm a Faun, You Dork! Elora: Oh, no. Right now, I have to follow Ripto and see what he's up to. It'll help you begin to understand our worlds. DRAGONS! OW! Crush, kill it, kill it! Gulp, you imbecile! You ate my scepter! I'll deal with you later! Spyro: Who was that jerk? Elora: That was Ripto, and you have to get rid of him! He's causing all sorts of trouble around here. someone forgot to invite me to the party! Are you trying to keep something from me? A dragon?! You brought a dragon to Avalar?! I. rough landing! Hi! Which way's the.Beach? Hey, stop staring! Haven't you guys ever seen a dragon before? Hunter: You're a dragon? Spyro: You got a problem with that, pussycat? Ripto: Well, well. IT'S WORKING! I've got a dragon! Spyro: Woah.

Bringing a dragon here could just make Ripto angrier! Elora: Calm down, Hunter, and stop fidgeting! Hunter: But you saw the Professor's book! They have claws like this, and teeth like this, and they spit fire like this! (Sorry.) They sound much more dangerous than Ripto! Elora: That's exactly the point! A dragon is our only chance of stopping Ripto, and you know it! Professor: It's working. Hunter: Maybe this isn't such a good idea. just a few more adjustments to these orbs, and. Dragon Shores! Yeah! I haven't been there since we kicked Gnasty Gnorc's butt! How about it, Sparx, you up for a vacation at the beach? Last one there is a Gnorc! #2: I've Got a Dragon Elora: Is it working, Professor? Professor: Almost. We should go on vacation! Somewhere warm, somewhere sunny. 1.4 #4: No Dragons? Wonderful! (Original Intro)ĭialogue Intro / #1: We Need a Vacation Spyro: Is this rain ever gonna stop? I've forgotten what the sun looks like.