This function is typically used to add numbers, but it can also be used to subtract. You can also use the SUM function to subtract numbers in Excel. For example, to subtract 5 from 10 and 3 from 7, you would type =SUBTRACT(10,5,7,3) into a cell. To use the SUBTRACT function, type =SUBTRACT( into a cell, followed by the numbers you want to subtract, separated by commas. This function is a bit more versatile, and it allows you to subtract multiple numbers at once.

If you want to get a bit more complicated, you can use the SUBTRACT function. For example, to subtract 5 from 10, you would type =10-5 into a cell. To use the subtraction operator, simply type the equals sign (=) followed by the numbers you want to subtract, with the minus sign (-) between them. This is the same operator you would use in mathematics, and it works in the same way.

The simplest way to subtract in Excel is to use the subtraction operator. By the end of this article, youll be an expert at subtracting in Excel.

Well go over the steps needed to subtract numbers in Excel, using both the built-in functions and the subtraction operator. This is a simple process, but one that can be easily forgotten if youre not familiar with the software. In this article, well show you how to subtract in Excel.